Monday, April 19, 2010

DoD Rules: "Don't Report, Don't Act"

In an ongoing attempt to undermine or repeal the 1993 law regarding homosexuals in the military, the Obama Administration has issued new regulations that set up barriers to responsible enforcement, and treat ineligible homosexual personnel as if they are a special class. In a detailed article posted below, CMR analyzes the Defense Department's new rules, which abrogate the law by redefining its purpose.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

CMR Exposes Failed Attack on Flag Officers List

In a detailed article posted below, CMR reports on an attempt by gay activist groups to lessen the impact of a statement signed by 1,164 retired Flag & General Officers for the Military (FGOM). The article also corrects bias and misinformation on the PBS program NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and discredits other attacks on the FGOM list that simply do not hold up. More...