Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Media Spins 'Pentagon' Support for Gays in the Military

It doesn't take much to get the major liberal media excited about imagined "progress" for the Gays in the Military Campaign (GIMC, for short). Witness the Boston Globe's September 30 report that the Joint Forces Quarterly (JFQ), a magazine associated with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had published an Air Force officer's article promoting gays in the military. More...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Roadmap for Railroading the Military

On October 10 President Obama showed his true rainbow colors to gay activists attending a fundraiser for the Human Rights Campaign, the largest lesbian, gay bisexual, transgendered "LGBT Left" group in the country. Despite the personal favor, some disgruntled activists picketed outside. On the issue of gays in the military, what do they want the President to do? More...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Foreign Militaries Are Not Role Models for U.S.

Should America follow the example of foreign nations that have gays in their militaries? A new CMR Policy Analysis answers that question and provides perspective. A condensed version published by Congressional Quarterly Researcher appears here, and a more detailed version is now available here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gays Leaving Military Not Security Issue

In a new article for NewsMax.com, Elaine Donnelly presents new information about the consistently small numbers of discharges for homosexuality. The article also refutes a false claim from the Michael D. Palm Center that was included in an op-ed by retired Gen. John Shalikashvili. More...