Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Time to Curb "Code Pink"

Finally, a member of Congress has announced a laudable plan to do something about the abusive behavior of demonstrators of the anti-war left. Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, has introduced legislation to deal with what he has described as "a growing number of our fellow citizens [who] are abusing their right of free expression through vandalism and violent protest aimed at military recruiters and those who wish to serve." More...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Silver Star Being Used as Feminist Symbol

The liberal Washington Post never misses an opportunity to push the feminists' most perverse ideological goal: Forcing female soldiers to face unequal burdens in or near direct ground combat units, such as infantry battalions. Recently the Post used the story of Pfc. Monica Brown, a courageous Army medic awarded a Silver Star, to promote repeal of land combat exemptions that are important to both military women and men. CMR President Elaine Donnelly wrote a letter to the editor to clarify the story. The Post declined to publish it, but you can read it here.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

When Janey Goes Marching Off to War

Columnist George Newmayr writes today about the liberal push for women in combat. More...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Why Salute Some Military Moms---But Not All?

CMR has analyzed a well-meaning but problematic resolution, H. Res. 992, which would salute only military mothers who deploy to the warzone, leaving their children behind. Read more here. In a separate commentary , the mother of five sons, two of whom have served in the military, expresses thoughtful concern about the same resolution. It is unfortunate that the military spends more time investigating the effects of submarine sonar on whales than they do the effects long-term separations on children and mothers. More...